15 сентября 2021 года состоялось очно-заочное заседание Рабочего комитета МДК «Законодательство, банки, финансы» на тему: «Инструменты ESG — финансирования и их значимость для компаний нефтегазового сектора на ближайшее десятилетие». Очная часть мероприятия прошла в Санкт-Петербурге на площадке Конгрессно-выставочного центра «ЭкспоФорум».
The members of the Committee expressed great interest in the announced topic both at the stage of preparation for the meeting and at the meeting itself. Despite the technical possibilities of a remote communication, the meeting once again confirmed the indispensability of a face-to-face discussion and personal communication
The meeting was moderated by Mr. Yan Tavrovsky, President of J.P. Morgan in Russia and the CIS. The meeting was attended by 47 participants on site and 131 attendees joined online.
At the meeting extensive reports have been delivered by the following speakers:
- Mr. Philip Watkins, SMBC Nikko, “How ESG bond markets will transform financing and strategy for Oil and Gas companies”;
- Mr. Vladimir Litvak, JSC VTB Capital, “Corporate ESG Strategy: the role of Carbon Markets and Financial Instruments”
- Ms. Evgenia Strelbitskaya & Mr. Sam Critchlow, Royal Dutch Shell, “Royal Dutch Shell views and experience with ESG corporate financing
- София Кирсанова, ПАО «Газпром», «Усиление тренда на ESG — финансирование и его влияние на формирование стратегии ПАО «Газпром»
- 5. Mr. Edward Kempson, Latham & Watkins, “Sustainable Finance Transactions: Legal Risks and Liabilities”.
The presented reports reflected important trends and assessed the processes taking place in the field of ESG financing, as well as analyzed the available financial instruments and the possibility of their application for issuers in the oil and gas sector. The meeting participants assessed the influence of ESG trends on the company strategies and considered legal issues and risks.
The participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers in person at the studio in St. Petersburg as well as via online chat. A lively discussion made it possible to reveal in more detail the intricacies of ESG financing and its medium and long-term prospects.
The input provided by the speakers left room for thought. The global energy transformation process is focusing the attention of companies as well as banks, funds and investors on ESG financing. New prospects for attracting significant amounts of financing are now opening aimed at the sustainable development of the company.