Meeting of the Working Committee of the IBC "Business Security"

September 15, 2021, St. Petersburg, Russia, Singapore, online

Meeting of the Working Committee of the IBC "Business Security" on the topic "Challenges to the IBC member companies’ security in the new reality " was held within the framework of the 24th Annual General Meeting of the IBC in mixed format.

The session was chaired by Sergey Khomyakov, Chairman of the Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, General Director of the Corporate Security Service of Gazprom.

During the meeting the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the presentations and discuss the following topics:

  • “Challenges associated with virtual Security Assurance and post Covid-19 socio-economic impacts and societal demands” by Duncan Manning, Vice President Corporate Security, Royal Dutch Shell
  • “Schlumberger cybersecurity risk mitigation program” by Konstantin Chubatyuk, Cyber Security Director, Schlumberger Russia and Central Asia
  • “Quantum key distribution: secure today and tomorrow” by Alexey Urivskiy, Ph.D., Deputy Director General for Science and Innovation, JSC InfoTeCS Science and Innovations at InfoTex
  • «Новые вызовы для службы поддержки безопасности в международной деятельности – изменился ли мир с появлением Covid-19?»
    Торстен Блюер, Менеджер по безопасности, «Юнипер Глобал Коммодитиз СЕ»

The meeting concluded with a lively discussion and discussion of the Committee's future plans.