About IBC

The International Business Congress (IBC) is an international, non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting international economic cooperation. As of April 1, 2022, 111 organizations from 23 countries are members of IBC.

IBC aims at creation of conditions for continuous direct dialogue between business communities around the world, promotion of their economic development and cooperation. These goals are implemented through the organization of international working meetings, international conferences to discuss and identify the main trends in the global economy, financial system, promotion of environmental agenda, the creation of mechanisms of interaction in joint international projects, sharing experiences on the use of information technology, evaluation of international labor market development, discussion of new promising technologies in energy, construction and implementation of joint social projects.

IBC finances and coordinates implementation of various social projects aimed at development and improvement of social, ecological, educational and research spheres. Currently five projects are being implemented. You can read more about the IBC projects here

IBC is a legal entity and operates under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The location of the headquarters is in Berlin, Germany, by phone +49 30 206 727 03 | Fax +49 30 206 727 04 | E-mail:  info@ibc-secretariat.org

Working Committees of the IBC

To ensure a focused and continuous dialogue on the most important areas of activity of the IBC member companies, eight Working Committees operate within the framework of the Congress:

  • Energy
  • Ecology and Healthcare
  • Law, Banking and Finance
  • Information and Communication
  • Industry, Innovations and Prospective Development
  • Business Security
  • Human Resources
  • The Modern Technologies and Prospective Oil and Gas Industry Projects Committee

As a rule, each IBC Working Committee organizes three or four meetings per year on topics, which are important for business development for the IBC member-companies, actively participating in the work of the Working Committee. Tours of the production facilities of the inviting member-companies of the IBC can be arranged as part of such meetings.

Each member-company has the right to send its experts (number of participants is to be preliminarily agreed with the Committee Chairperson) to the meetings of the Working Committees. To participate in meetings, it is necessary to register on the IBC website in a timely manner. Registration takes place upon receipt of an official invitation from the Chairperson of the Working Committee. Invitations will be sent to the participant's e-mail address designated to IBC Secretariat by the official contact person of the IBC member-company.

Companies, which are not members of the IBC, may send a representative to attend a meeting of one of the Working Committees to familiarize with the work of the IBC at the invitation of the Chairperson of the Committee. An interested Company must become an IBC Member in order to attend subsequent meetings.

The Chairperson of the relevant Committee determines the location of Working Committee meetings. Member companies can contact the Chairperson to offer to host a meeting.

Notification of forthcoming meetings of the Working Committees is sent to the participants by e-mail after an official invitation by the Chairperson of the Working Committee has been sent to the IBC Secretariat. Information is also posted on the IBC website

IBC Membership

Members of the IBC are entitled to participate in events organized by Congress, speak at General Annual Meeting and Working Committee meetings, participate in determination of goals and further strategy of the Association, and represent their company's achievements in the Congress areas.

Membership in the IBC is open to all enterprises regardless of their location and industry, as well as unions and organizations representing the interests of enterprises.

There are three categories of membership in the IBC according to the annual turnover of the organization:


  • ordinary members (annual fee of 2,000.00 €)

Non-profit organizations and enterprises with an annual turnover of less than 50 million U.S. dollars in the previous fiscal year.

  • Senior members (annual fee €4,000.00)

Enterprises with annual sales of up to one billion USD.

  • sponsor-members (annual fee 16,000.00 €)

Enterprises with annual turnover of more than 1 billion USD.

In order to become an IBC member, the following documents have to be sent by e-mail (info@ibc-secretariat.org ) to the IBC Secretariat:

  • application for membership signed by the head of the company
  • Presentation about the company in Word or Power Point format in English, containing information about the organization's activities, location and partners
  • proof of annual turnover for the previous year

Within six weeks from the date of receipt of all required documents, the interested company receives notification of the decision of the IBC Board. After a positive decision on membership, the company will be invoiced for the entrance and membership fees, which must be paid within 30 days.