Meeting of the "Ecology and Healthcare" Working Committee

September 15, 2021, St. Petersburg, Russia, Singapore, online

The meeting of the IBC “Ecology and Healthcare” Working Committee on "Global Trends and mechanisms for decarbonization" was held within the framework of the 24th IBC Annual General Meeting in a mixed format.

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Nebojsa Jankovic, Chairman of the Ecology and Healthcare Working Committee, Head of Comita Group for Russia and CIS, and Dr. Mikhail Putin, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, Coordinator of the Health Care Technologies and Health Facilities Management Subgroup of the Ecology and Healthcare Working Committee.

The meeting participants considered the following topics:

  • "Global trends and mechanisms for decarbonization".

Konstantin Romanov, Head of Division, Gazprom, General Director, Gazprom Hydrogen

  • "Energy business in the framework of low carbon transition"

Prof. Yana Klementovichus, Director, Institute for Economic Research, St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance

  • «Новые климатические инициативы Еврокомиссии — вызовы и возможности для бизнеса»

Andrey Pestov, Director, Representative Office of Gazprom in Belgium

Dmitry Udalov, Deputy Director, Representative Office of Gazprom in Belgium

  • “On measures to counter COVID-19 in the Russian Federation”

Inna Kulikova, Director, Department of Emergency Medical Care and Health Risk Management, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

Dr. Denis Logunov, Deputy Director, Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

  • "Characteristics of sanatorium, spa and recreational facilities of Gazprom. COVID-19 rehabilitation and recovery plans”

Irina Kharebava, Deputy Head of Division, Gazprom

The presentations aroused lively interest among the participants of the meeting.


«Мировые тренды и механизмы декарбонизации» г-н Константин Владимирович Романов, Начальник отдела, ПАО «Газпром», Генеральный директор ООО «Газпром водород»

«Новые климатические инициативы Еврокомиссии – вызовы и возможности для бизнеса» г-н Андрей Витальевич Пестов, Директор, Представительство ПАО «Газпром» в Бельгии и г-н Дмитрий Андреевич Удалов, Заместитель директора, Представительство ПАО «Газпром» в Бельгии