17. Parental School System

Presented by “INFOC” Working Committee


The main goal of this project is to improve pupil’s safety during their stay at school and improvement of the information technologies so that parents will be better informed about the educational process and progress of their children. Establishment of the informational and communicational bridge between two schools.

Participants/Implementers of the project

EBC, Comita d.d., OOO Gazprom Telekom.
The co-ordinator of the project is Janko Loncar, Comita d.d.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.
Approved as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in May 2012.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

15 months

Place of implementation:

Serbian School “Vuk Karadzic”, Belgrad, Serbia
The opening ceremony of the school was held on 14th November, 2014.

The project is fully implemented and paid in 2014.