4. “Blue Fuel”

(Presented by the "ICON" and "ECOH" Working Committees)


installing Task Force to support fuel change in traffic and mass transport in the OSCE countries. The project is to be implemented in the frame of the “Blue Corridor” project, supported by G 8, St. Petersburg, and the UNECE.

Participants/Implementers of the project


The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. Friedhelm Wannagat, E.ON Ruhrgas AG.

Approved and qualified as subject to financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in June 2007.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

3 years

2 out of 5 planned conferences successfully held in Sofia, Bulgaria, and Svetlogorsk, Russia.

3-rd conference was held in 2011 in Moscow

Fully implemented in late 2012