The Board meeting got acquainted with the legal assessment of the representative of the IBC auditor company, PricewaterhouseCoopers, on the possibilities to amend the IBC Articles of Association due to the urgent need to hold IBC events online and in a hybrid format.
During the meeting the Board members addressed the current membership base and financial status of the Congress. The Board has agreed on further work to strengthen the IBC membership base.
The Board members considered a proposal for the implementation of the new Working project: the quarterly bulletin “Decarbonization and Energy Transition”, prepared by the “Industry, Innovation and Prospective Development”, “Information and Communication” and “Ecology and Healthcare” Working Committees.
The IBC Executive Secretary presented the preparatory procedure to hold the 25th anniversary Annual General meeting in a hybrid format on June 3, 2022 in the “Manezh” Central Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg. Working Committees’ meetings will be held on June 1st and 2nd. Possible formats for the meetings will be presented to the Chairpersons for their approval. The dates and topics of the upcoming meetings of the Working Committees in spring of 2022, have been also announced. All relevant information about the IBC events is published on the Congress website.