In accordance with the decision of the IBC President and the Board of Directors, the 26th IBC Extraordinary General Meeting was held in writing from 17 to 27 October 2023.
All 67 companies and organizations (583 votes), members of the IBC as of 16 October 2023, have received the full voting package to participate in the written ballot on the agenda items of the 26th IBC General Meeting.
The required quorum of 293 votes was achieved. 39 IBC members took part in the vote, with a total of 324 votes cast.
As a result of the vote, the members of the International Business Congress unanimously approved the start of the dissolution of the International Business Congress from 1 November 2023 in Germany, elected the liquidators of the Congress who replaced the current Board of Directors of the International Business Congress and determined the parameters of the use of the financial resources of the International Business Congress after the liquidation (not earlier than the 2nd quarter of 2025).